Saturday, September 5, 2009

Making a New Home

Well, I have been busy busy with trying to figure out the city, settling into my apartment, and stealing Internet from the neighbors. Things are slowly starting to come together, though I miss friends and family and a lot of the things I left in Indiana (like my cutting board). My new roommate arrived Thursday night, and we are becoming fast friends. Last night, we cooked a little family dinner of salmon pinwheels and sautéed spinach with white beans. It was delicious. I have been hard on the job hunt the past day, and need to continue with that project today. I've been a resumé-spitting junky, going into every restaurant and bar I can find in hopes for employment. It's weird to not be working, especially after working so much this summer. I kind of feel like a bum. That, and the fear of utter doom and homelessness seems to knock at my door every morning. Terrifying. I have been immersing myself in the city, riding the subway from here to there - I added a new train, the 1, to my lists of trains I sort of "know." On one of my subway rides, I was treated to a mariachi performance free of charge. I seem to be the only to think this was amusing, as everyone else looked away in disgust and steeliness. I've looked some audition info and looks like I will be attending my first set of NY auditions this week. Terrifying. Hope to also attend a dance class, which means I will have to pour myself into dance attire. Terrifying for everyone involved. I have not taken a class for so long, should be an interesting result. Plans today include some more grocery shopping, dumping resumés everywhere possible, and hopefully meeting up with a childhood friend of mine I have not seen in more than ten years - will we even know each other? I am really loving city life, but it's not easy. It takes a certain fight, certain survivor mentality. A will to survive the subway one more time, to find inexpensive food and fun, to go and get what you want - nothing's coming your way. It's funny that in this great city we have areas of such wealth and such poverty, only blocks apart, and oftentimes crossing paths. In the city, a little luck, either good or bad, is all it takes to take you from the upper echelon (sp?) to the lowest of lows. I think I am going to enjoy living here - it's a place I've wanted to live for so, so long - but I know it's not going to be easy. Breathe. Just take it a step at a time. And try not to step in dog shit.

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