Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good News!

"Good News! Good News! Look, a callback!" Today, was a very good day indeed. I received my first callback here in New York for an upcoming production of The Miracle on 34th Street. How exciting! It's for a regional theatre, Jersey Shores, and looks like a big opportunity, so we'll see! The theatre is actually located in the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, which I find a little hilarious. Think of all the glitz and glamour! I have been invited to come back tomorrow (Friday) for the "mover's call" a.k.a. the non-dancers call, which I know I will dominate at. I'm also called back to sing and read for them, which I find really flattering, and I'm taking it as a good omen that maybe I do belong here after all. Getting a callback makes the oftentimes stressful and sweaty (why does it feel like the beginning of summer during the day?) trip to the city all the more worth it. I'm giving credit to a good breakfast (scrambled eggs with veggies and toast), a cup of green tea, and most musical theatre performers' fear and lack of monologues. Afterwards, I attended another audition, this time in the East Village (I forgot to mention that the Miracle auditions were held very close to 34th St. and the big Macy's). The ad was for an improvised musical about a homeless theatre troupe (apparently, it's about economic downturn - woh woh). I had to sing a few songs by the director-composer and then read a few sides. After reading my first side as a French tourist (thanks for the help Ben, and Eartha), I was asked to read for the distinguished character role of Lady Liberty. Transgendered, homeless Lady Liberty. After my first go through, I was asked to read it as if I was African-American. The third go was to be "ghetto." However offensive or off the mark, my Bianca Defy-Edris-AAADS-girl-from-the-Popeye's (which I visited yesterday, next to the Drama Bookstore, which was delicious, but shorted me my Mac 'N' Cheese) seemed to impress or at least amuse the auditor. Beforehand, he looked at me and said, "Well, you know." So, if I'm not in a very innocent Christmas musical in Jersey, I may be appearing in the Lower East Side as an African-American, homeless trans-woman in a Lady Liberty costume. Welcome to the East Village. I think it even counts as OFF-OFF-Broadway. Both sound perfect. The rest of the day was spent cooking and eating, doing laundry, and drinking vodka and Diet Squirt (well, not the whole day). Ooo, we also had our first staff meeting at work, which mostly served as an official introduction to our new manager, Stefano, and chef, Jessie. Stefano is a very Italian and he a wants us to be giving the best a service to makea de most money. From the Koreans, to the Italian and East Europeans, here we go Locale! I got called in to work tomorrow night, which is very exciting and hopefully means lots of $$$ (so I can finally get that gym membership). Well, that is all for now, into the night I go!

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