April has come and gone and May is quickly upon us. How the time does fly! Since my Elaine adventure, I have been busy with work, planning my June adventures, and even some auditioning. Spilling over with excitement from Elaine sighting, I neglected to mention in my last blog that I recently made my "television debut" with a bit of extra work on Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Depending on how editing goes, you can find me on Episode 12: "True Legacies" walking down the sidewalk, waiting in line for the falaffel cart, and doing my best version of a New York City pedestrian. This was my first assignment through Central Casting and proved both a fun and learning experience, not to mention I actually got paid to act. In fact, though my paycheck was a mere $$, it currently holds the record as my biggest acting check yet (take that "If This Ain't It"). While on set, I observed the camera people and production assistants, and for one shot I was within arm's distance of Jeff Goldblum. Yes, he is that tall and quirky and just a bit creepy (celebrities should not have that much access to self tanners and hair coloring, no matter how much money they have). Between takes, I got to gorge on the treasures at the Craft food table, yogurts, Gushers, nuts, doughnuts, cold coffee, oh my! The glamour truly never ceases. After what seems endless bouts of rain and grey, we finally sun again in New York, and I am loving it. Of course, I am not actually venturing outdoors to enjoy it, but rather soaking up the fresh breeze from my bed/desk, sunning myself at my Happy Hour perch, enjoying wearing even less clothing when I go out at night, or running away from Stefano to the outside section. My room is all but settled, and should I get the hooks I bought for my closet hung up, it will be a real accomplishment and my first real effort in interior decorating. Things with Liz are going swimmingly, in part because we are never home at the same time, causing any meeting a chance to chat and catch up and limiting any competition over bathroom time. I have been zipping through a selection of movies and books, maxing out my Queens Library card. After an affair with contemporary essay/humor writers David Sedaris, Chelsea Handler, and Nora Ephron (love, love, and love), I have returned to my quest for the classics with Love in the Time of Cholera. Let us hope the book leads me closer to love and far, far away from cholera. It seems I have been running more errands than usual, but what I am getting accomplished don't ask me. I've mailed post cards and greeting cards, packages and presents, ordered new checks and updated my address, and taken advantage of some great spring shopping while I have been at it. I grow more and more excited for my upcoming show as well as my upcoming trip back home. I keep thinking of "A Weekend in the Country," from A Little Night Music, though I suppose my sabbatical from the city will last a little longer and hopefully not involve any duels (but then, again . . . ). Last week saw me on a mad hunt for my phone, as we unfortunately were separated from each other during my first visit to Musical Mondays at Splash. Held at the beginning of each week, this bar night celebrates the musical theatre with some of the rarest and most entertaining stage clips around, not to mention 2-for-1 drinks before 9. Arriving at 8, Quinto and I enjoyed a mini-IU reunion and somehow found ourselves at the bottom of about 6 rounds by 10 o'clock (my parents always taught me to be frugal and take advantage of a good deal after all). To the boon of all those in attendance, I was quite loosened up by then, just in time for viewings of clips from Chicago and Promises, Promises. After showing off my Fosse style and best Donna McKechnie (not too mention a whole host of other musical theatre icons), I discovered I was both phoneless and shameless. Searching the dance floor and my empty pockets, I set forth to inquire whether the bartenders or coat room had seen my precious phone. Defeated, I decided to call it a night and hide my sorrows in late night McDonald's and a quick nap on the N-train (how did I miss my stop again?). If I had a dollar for every time I woke up confused at the Astoria-Ditmars stop. The next day, after punishing myself at the gym, I braved the city, a phoneless American, and decided to show my face once again at Splash. There again was the same shirtless bartender from the night before, and yes, there was my beloved phone, contacts and pics intact (though I did have to face quite the interrogation before reclaiming my ENV3). In summation, all I can do is quote that Gaga/Beyoncé classic "I should've left my phone at home 'cause this is a disaster."
Cinco de Mayo proved equally as amusing, as I made my way to the Crescent Lounge to meet a friend following disgustingly slow evening at Locale (what part of expensive Italian food does not spell Cinco de Mayo - By the way, we have a new menu and wine list and Stefano wants everyone to know). As soon I entered the bar, I saw my friend and before I could get a proper "Hello" out, I was accosted by who was to become our new friend, Margaret. Somewhat of a real-life Carol Channing, at least in age and timbre, she quickly said, "Well, who are you? Have we met" She then went on to inform me just who she was, telling me about the Sheet Music Society ("I call it the Sheet Metal Society") and her (obvious) evening at Hurley's beforehand. She applauded Kelsey Grammer and his current performance in La Cage aux Folles, relating that her friend, who hates everything ("This woman, she hates her name, she hates her kids, she hates her cat, and let me tell you, the husband's no bargain"), even celebrated his now Tony-nominated performance. She asked me if I had any available, heterosexually uncles, and luckily was able to respond, "No." Then came the songs. This woman probably sang "Gary, Indiana" to me about 15 times that evenings (I think we met about 5 times). Other favorites include, "What'll I do?" "My Indiana Home," "Friendship," and a personal favorite, "Bosom Buddies" - i just couldn't resist. I did manage to spend a little time with the friends I came there to see, but not of course without some interruptions from good old Margaret. Apparently, she is a regular there and lives across the street. Apparently.
So, now it is May and I am writing my first blog of the month. As I see the dwindling number of blog entries each month, I feel ashamed and sad. What kind of a blogger am I? What kind of abusive give-and-take relationship am I putting my readers through? What about their wants and needs? I promise to write soon, or at least soonish. Well, "Promises, Promises."